だいずきっずケニア 枝豆収穫 2013年10月13日 Harvest Edamame Daize Kids Kenya on 13rd Oct. 2013
DAIZU HARVEST SOYA BEAN HARVESTINGPROJECT BACKGROUND The green empowerment project initiated by United Mission for the Needy and japan Africa Trust embarked on improved nutrition of school going children. To this end, a soya bean project popularly known as “Daizu Kids” was started. In July 2013, UMN in collaboration with JAT participated in a joint planting session of soya beans in Kenya and Japan in Malava at the project demonstration plots. Target groups were school going children, farmer groups and individuals. The project was carried out in collaboration with county and national government agricultural officials who provided technical support during the exercise. ACTIVITIES1. Edutainment for KidsIn October 2013, the soya beans planted were ready for harvesting. UMN and JAT organized a joint harvesting exercise. In Malava, preparations were carried out by UMN officials who mobilized community members and in particular school children and farmer groups. UMN organized a series of activities in anticipation of “Daizu Kids harvest day” scheduled for 14th October 2013. On harvest day, 60 participants were mobilized to participate. Activities began with educative competitive activities organized for children. These included song, dance and poems.
Daizu Kids reciting poems on soya bean harvest day2. Soya bean harvestingUMN also organized the children to participate in the harvesting of soya bean from the demonstration plots. Harvesting was carried out by Daizu kids under close supervision of UMN and agricultural officers from the county. Daizu kids harvesting soya beans
Daizu kids harvesting soya beans3. Soya bean preparationDaizu kids harvest day also included cooking of soya beans aimed at demonstrating their nutiritional value. Soya beans harvested were prepared and served to the children and other participants during the harvest day.
Harvested soya beans from demonstration plot Soya beans cooking on 14th October 20134. Training & SensitizationOther activities carried out during the Daizu Kids harvestday included sensitization and training of community on need to embrace soya bean farming. UMN commissioned agricultural officers from the County to spek on nutritional benefits of soya bens on human health. All participants were taken through the planting and harvesting process as well as preservation of harvested beans including preparation. UMN community mobilizers have continued with sensitization meetings in various villages around the project area with a view to encouraging individual farmers to plant soya beans alongside other traditional crop such as maize and beans. Soya beans planted at the demonstration plot have resisted harsh weather conditions including cold weather and rain with hail stones producing a good yield as opposed to the traditional bean counterpart. With the demonstration plot receiving a continuous flow of visitors, it is hoped that it will serve as a good example for the community to embrace soya bean planting as a measure to curbing food insecurity and nutritional balance within the county. FUTURE PLANSUMN plans to acquire and distribute seeds to participating kids in the Daizu program for planting in their homes. This will involve encouraging them to transfer knowledge earned from training at demonstration lot to their respective homes. Extension visits will also be arranged to speak to parents on soya bean farming. UMN also plans to mobilize Daizu kids to participate in cultural activities such as dance, songs etc. at the sub-county and county fairs.